
Inventions of Early 20th Century

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 1Nikola Tesla

Nikola Tesla

Famous As: Inventor

Birthdate: July 10, 1856

Sun Sign: Cancer

Birthplace: Smiljan, Croatia

Died: January 7, 1943

Inventor, engineer and futurist, Nikola Tesla, is best remembered for his contribution to the development of the modern alternating current (AC) electricity supply system. A prolific inventor, he had around 300 patents for his inventions. Even though he earned a considerable amount of money, he had poor money management skills and died a poor man.

 2Alexander Graham Bell

Alexander Graham Bell

Famous As: Inventor of Telephone

Birthdate: March 3, 1847

Sun Sign: Pisces

Birthplace: Edinburgh, Scotland

Died: August 2, 1922

Alexander Graham Bell was a scientist, inventor, and engineer. He is credited with inventing the first functional telephone. He is also credited with co-founding America's major telephone company AT&T, which has been going strong since 1885. Bell's later life was marked by his groundbreaking work in aeronautics, hydrofoils, and optical telecommunications. He was also an ardent supporter of compulsory sterilization.

 3Tim Berners-Lee

Tim Berners-Lee

Famous As: Inventor of the World Wide Web

Birthdate: June 8, 1955

Sun Sign: Gemini

Birthplace: London, England

Widely known as ten inventor of the world wide web, Tim Berners-Lee made the first communication between an HTTP client and server through the internet in 1989. He is associated with various organizations, such as the W3C and the World Wide Web Foundation, and has received the knighthood, too.

 4Grace Hopper

Grace Hopper

Famous As: Computer Scientist

Birthdate: December 9, 1906

Sun Sign: Sagittarius

Birthplace: New York City

Died: January 1, 1992

Computer scientist and U.S. Navy rear admiral Grace Hopper was one of the first programmers of the Harvard Mark I computing system. She pioneered the machine-independent programming language technique, and the FLOW-MATIC language used by her was later used to create COBOL. She received a posthumous Presidential Medal of Freedom.

 5Buckminster Fuller

Buckminster Fuller

Famous As: Architect

Birthdate: July 12, 1895

Sun Sign: Cancer

Birthplace: Milton, Massachusetts, United States

Died: July 1, 1983

Buckminster Fuller was an American systems theorist, architect, designer, inventor, author, and futurist. He is credited with popularizing the geodesic dome, which resembles carbon molecules known as fullerenes. Fullerenes were named after Fuller for their resemblance to geodesic spheres. Fuller's work has influenced several personalities from different walks of life. His work has also inspired a couple of documentary films.

 6Philo Farnsworth

Philo Farnsworth

Famous As: Inventor

Birthdate: August 19, 1906

Sun Sign: Leo

Birthplace: Beaver, Utah, United States

Died: March 11, 1971

 7Thomas Edison

Thomas Edison

Famous As: Inventor

Birthdate: February 11, 1847

Sun Sign: Aquarius

Birthplace: Milan, Ohio, United States

Died: October 18, 1931

Described as America's greatest inventor, Thomas Edison's legacy is an everlasting one. He was the first to help make the incandescent light bulb commercially viable, even though he was not the first inventor of it. Quadruplex telegraph, phonograph, motion picture camera and the alkaline storage battery are some the many innovations that made him a worldwide phenomenon and an icon.

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 8Hedy Lamarr

Hedy Lamarr

Famous As: Actress, Inventor

Birthdate: November 9, 1914

Sun Sign: Scorpio

Birthplace: Vienna, Austria

Died: January 19, 2000

Hedy Lamarr was an Austrian-American actress whose early career was defined by her performance in the controversial Czech erotic film Ecstasy. Apart from gaining popularity as a beautiful Hollywood actress, Hedy Lamarr became known as an inventor after co-inventing frequency-hopping spread spectrum. Her career has inspired several works of art. She was also the inspiration behind the iconic character Catwoman.

 9Lewis Howard Latimer

Lewis Howard Latimer

Famous As: Inventor

Birthdate: September 4, 1848

Sun Sign: Virgo

Birthplace: Chelsea, Massachusetts, United States

Died: December 11, 1928

Lewis Howard Latimer was born to former slaves and went on to become a skilled patent draftsman. He had worked with Alexander Graham Bell on the patent of his telephone, and with the Edison Electric Light Company. He had also invented a modification of the process of making carbon filaments.

 10Rudolf Diesel

Rudolf Diesel

Famous As: Inventor of Diesel Engine

Birthdate: March 18, 1858

Sun Sign: Pisces

Birthplace: Paris, France

Died: September 29, 1913

Rudolf Diesel was a German mechanical engineer and inventor best remembered for inventing the Diesel engine. After Diesel's demise, his engine became an important substitution for the steam piston engine. The engine became widespread in applications, such as agricultural machines, submarines, ships, and trucks. His life inspired the 1942 biographical film Diesel, in which he was played by Willy Birgel.

 11William Shockley

William Shockley

Famous As: Physicist

Birthdate: February 13, 1910

Sun Sign: Aquarius

Birthplace: Greater London, England, United Kingdom

Died: August 12, 1989

American physicist, inventor and Nobel laureate William Bradford Shockley Jr received the Nobel Prize in Physics with John Bardeen and Walter Brattain in 1956 for their researches on semiconductors and for discovering the transistor effect while working at the Bell Labs. He later became a proponent of eugenics while serving as a professor of electrical engineering at Stanford University.

 12Robert H. Goddard

Robert H. Goddard

Famous As: Physicist

Birthdate: October 5, 1882

Sun Sign: Libra

Birthplace: Worcester, Massachusetts, United States

Died: August 10, 1945

The son of a machine shop owner, Robert H. Goddard grew up to become a pioneer of rocketry. Interested in physics and mechanics since childhood, he dreamed of space flight. He developed the world's first rocket that ran on liquid fuel. NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center is named after him.

 13Alan Turing

Alan Turing

Famous As: Mathematician

Birthdate: June 23, 1912

Sun Sign: Cancer

Birthplace: London, England

Died: June 7, 1954

Regarded as the father of computer science and artificial intelligence, Alan Turing was a distinguished mathematician and logician. During WWII, he successfully broke the challenging German Enigma machine codes thereby reducing the duration of war by a couple of years. The scientist, who was convicted for being gay, has been an inspiration for numerous films, plays and novels.

 14Robert Noyce

Robert Noyce

Famous As: Co-inventor of the integrated circuit

Birthdate: December 12, 1927

Sun Sign: Sagittarius

Birthplace: Burlington

Died: June 3, 1990

American engineer Robert Noyce, who co-invented the integrated circuit, later gained the nickname the Mayor of Silicon Valley. The co-founder of Intel and Fairchild Semiconductor, Noyce is also said to have given Silicon Valley its name with his invention that included a silicon microchip. He was also a swimming champion.

 15Leo Fender

Leo Fender

Famous As: Inventor

Birthdate: August 10, 1909

Sun Sign: Leo

Birthplace: Anaheim, California, United States

Died: March 21, 1991

 16Frank Whittle

Frank Whittle

Famous As: Engineer, Inventor, Royal Air Force Air Officer

Birthdate: June 1, 1907

Sun Sign: Gemini

Birthplace: Coventry, England

Died: August 9, 1996

Aviation engineer Frank Whittle entered the Royal Air Force as an apprentice and rose through the ranks to become a pilot. He invented the jet engine, though his idea of a plane that could fly at a phenomenal speed was initially laughed at. He was later knighted for his achievements.

 17Wernher Von Braun

Wernher Von Braun

Famous As: Aerospace Engineer

Birthdate: March 23, 1912

Sun Sign: Aries

Birthplace: Wyrzysk, Poland

Died: June 16, 1977

German-born American aerospace engineer and space architect, Wernher Von Braun, worked in Nazi Germany's rocket development program as a young man. After World War II, he moved to the United States where he became a pioneer of rocket and space technology in the nation. In his later career, he became director of the newly formed Marshall Space Flight Center.

 18John von Neumann

John von Neumann

Famous As: Mathematician, Computer Scientist

Birthdate: December 28, 1903

Sun Sign: Capricorn

Birthplace: Budapest, Hungary

Died: February 8, 1957

Hungarian-American scientist John von Neumann contributed to the development of game theory and the concept of self-replication. His work covered vast areas including math, economics, physics, and computer science. His research on nuclear physics led him to be part of the advisory committee of the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission.

 19Charles Lindbergh

Charles Lindbergh

Famous As: Aviator, Inventor & Author

Birthdate: February 4, 1902

Sun Sign: Aquarius

Birthplace: Detroit, Michigan, U.S.

Died: August 26, 1974

Charles Lindbergh shot to fame after completing the first solo, and the longest, trans-Atlantic flight, in 1927. In his later years, his son's highly publicized kidnapping and murder broke him completely. He also participated in World War II and worked on inventions that made flight navigation and heart surgeries easier.

 20Douglas Engelbart

Douglas Engelbart

Famous As: Engineer

Birthdate: January 25, 1925

Sun Sign: Aquarius

Birthplace: Portland, Oregon, United States

Died: July 2, 2013

 21Linus Torvalds

Linus Torvalds

Famous As: Software Engineer

Birthdate: December 28, 1969

Sun Sign: Capricorn

Birthplace: Helsinki, Finland

Finnish software engineer Linus Torvalds developed the open-source software Linux kernel, the Git system, and the scuba dive planning software Subsurface. Named to Time 100 and inducted into the Internet Hall of Fame, he has also written an autobiography. He is married to Finnish karate champion Tove Torvalds.

 22Edd China

Edd China

Famous As: Television Presenter

Birthdate: May 9, 1971

Sun Sign: Taurus

Birthplace: London, England

Edd China is best known as the host of the Discovery Channel show Wheeler Dealers. He has also been part of Fifth Gear and Top Gear. He established Cummfy Banana Limited. After racing a motorized sofa at 148 km/h, China set a Guinness record for the fastest furniture.

 23John DeLorean

John DeLorean

Famous As: Inventor, Engineer

Birthdate: January 6, 1925

Sun Sign: Capricorn

Birthplace: Detroit, Michigan, United States

Died: March 19, 2005

John DeLorean was an American inventor and engineer. Highly regarded for his work at General Motors, John DeLorean was an influential figure in the US automobile industry. He is credited with founding the popular American automobile manufacturer, The DeLorean Motor Company. DeLorean's life inspired a couple of documentary films, including Framing John DeLorean where he was played by Alec Baldwin.

 24James Dyson

James Dyson

Famous As: Inventor

Birthdate: May 2, 1947

Sun Sign: Taurus

Birthplace: Cromer

James Dyson is a British industrial designer, inventor, entrepreneur, and landowner. He is credited with founding the popular technology company, Dyson Ltd. He is also credited with inventing the Dual Cyclone bagless vacuum cleaner. Also known for his philanthropic activities, Dyson established the James Dyson Foundation to support engineering education and to inspire young people.

 25Mikhail Kalashnikov

Mikhail Kalashnikov

Famous As: Inventor of AK-47 Assault Rifle

Birthdate: November 10, 1919

Sun Sign: Scorpio

Birthplace: Kurya, Russia

Died: December 23, 2013

Russian military leader Mikhail Kalashnikov is remembered for inventing the AK-47 assault rifle, along with other weapons such as the AKM, the AK-74, the PK machine gun, and the RPK light machine gun. He was named the Hero of the Russian Federation and received the Order of Military Merit.

 26John Harvey Kellogg

John Harvey Kellogg

Famous As: Doctor, Inventor

Birthdate: February 26, 1852

Sun Sign: Pisces

Birthplace: Tyrone Township, Livingston County, Michigan

Died: December 14, 1943

Physician, nutritionist, and businessman John Harvey Kellogg served as the director of the Battle Creek Sanitarium, which was a combination of a European spa, a hydrotherapy center, a hospital, and a hotel. He believed in biologic living. However, he is best remembered as the inventor of corn flakes.

 27Les Paul

Les Paul

Famous As: Musician

Birthdate: June 9, 1915

Sun Sign: Gemini

Birthplace: Waukesha, Wisconsin, United States

Died: August 12, 2009

Jazz and country guitarist Les Paul developed his version of the solid-body electric guitar, which he named the Log. He is also credited with pioneering innovations such as multitrack recording, the eight-track tape recorder, and overdubbing. He won the Special Merit/Technical Grammy Award for his achievements.

 28Vint Cerf

Vint Cerf

Famous As: Engineer

Birthdate: June 23, 1943

Sun Sign: Cancer

Birthplace: New Haven, Connecticut, United States

 29Jack Parsons

Jack Parsons

Famous As: Researcher

Birthdate: October 2, 1914

Sun Sign: Libra

Birthplace: Los Angeles, California, United States

Died: June 17, 1952

Rocketry pioneer Jack Parsons is best remembered as one of the founders of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory. He also co-established the Aerojet Engineering Corporation and developed the first rocket engine that used a propellant. He was also known for his multiple sexual affairs and sex cult rituals.

 30Virginia Apgar

Virginia Apgar

Famous As: Physician and Anesthesiologist

Birthdate: June 7, 1909

Sun Sign: Gemini

Birthplace: Westfield, New Jersey, United States

Died: August 7, 1974

 31Garrett Morgan

Garrett Morgan

Famous As: Inventor

Birthdate: March 4, 1877

Sun Sign: Pisces

Birthplace: Paris, Kentucky, United States

Died: July 27, 1963

Garrett Morgan is remembered for inventing the Morgan safety hood, which served as a prototype for later gas masks. He also invented the T-shaped traffic signal and a range of hair-care products, such as hair straightening creams. An NAACP member, he also launched a newspaper to cater to African-Americans.

 32George Westinghouse

George Westinghouse

Famous As: Entrepreneur

Birthdate: October 6, 1846

Sun Sign: Libra

Birthplace: Central Bridge, New York, United States

Died: March 12, 1914

Inventor and entrepreneur George Westinghouse was mostly responsible for introducing the U.S. to alternating current (AC). Initially part of the army and the navy, the talented engineer began his journey of inventions with the rotary steam engine and went on to invent several products, such as air brakes.

 33Gary Burghoff

Gary Burghoff

Famous As: Actor

Birthdate: May 24, 1943

Sun Sign: Gemini

Birthplace: Bristol, Connecticut

Gary Burghoff is an American actor who is credited with originating the popular role of Charlie Brown in the 1967 Broadway musical You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown. He is also known for originating the role of Walter Eugene O'Reilly in the 1970 black comedy war movie MASH and the popular TV series of the same name.

 34William Moulton Marston

William Moulton Marston

Famous As: Psychologist

Birthdate: May 9, 1893

Sun Sign: Taurus

Birthplace: Saugus, Massachusetts

Died: May 2, 1947

Psychologist William Moulton Marston, also known as "Charles Moulton," is remembered for inventing a precursor of the lie detector, along with his wife, Elizabeth Holloway. He was also a comic book author, who created the superheroine Wonder Woman. He was in a polyamorous relationship with his wife and Olive Byrne.

 35Steve Wozniak

Steve Wozniak

Famous As: Co-founder of Apple Computer (Apple Inc.)

Birthdate: August 11, 1950

Sun Sign: Leo

Birthplace: San Jose, California, United States

Widely recognized as one of the two important pioneers of the personal computer revolution, Steve Wozniak is credited with co-founding Apple Inc. along with Steve Jobs. Not surprisingly, he has been described as one of the men that changed the course of history through technology. Apart from being a programmer and technology entrepreneur, Steve Wozniak is also a well-known philanthropist.

 36John G. Trump

John G. Trump

Famous As: Scientist

Birthdate: August 21, 1907

Sun Sign: Leo

Birthplace: New York, New York, United States

Died: February 21, 1985

Better known as former U.S. president Donald Trump's uncle, John G. Trump was an MIT physicist and engineer. Though he had initially aspired to be an architect and join his brother Fred's real-estate business, John later concentrated on his research that led to the invention of high-voltage generators.

 37Shiva Ayyadurai

Shiva Ayyadurai

Famous As: Inventor of Email

Birthdate: December 2, 1963

Sun Sign: Sagittarius

Birthplace: Tamil Nadu

Shiva Ayyadurai is an Indian-American engineer, scientist, and entrepreneur. He gained recognition after claiming to be the inventor of email, which is widely disputed even today. His claim is based on a software called EMAIL, which he wrote while studying at Livingston High School in the late-1970s. He is also known for his unfounded medical claims, including treatments for COVID-19.

 38Martin Cooper

Martin Cooper

Famous As: Engineer

Birthdate: December 26, 1928

Sun Sign: Capricorn

Birthplace: Chicago, Illinois, United States

Electrical engineer Martin Cooper had initially served the U.S. Navy in the Korean War. He later joined Motorola and pioneered many inventions in wireless communications. The Charles Stark Draper Prize winner also invented the world's first mobile phone and made the first cell phone call.

 39Edwin H. Land

Edwin H. Land

Famous As: Scientist

Birthdate: May 7, 1909

Sun Sign: Taurus

Birthplace: Bridgeport

Died: March 1, 1991

 40Ernest Lawrence

Ernest Lawrence

Famous As: Physicist

Birthdate: August 8, 1901

Sun Sign: Leo

Birthplace: Canton, South Dakota, United States

Died: August 27, 1958

 41Edward Teller

Edward Teller

Famous As: physicist

Birthdate: January 15, 1908

Sun Sign: Capricorn

Birthplace: Budapest, Hungary

Died: September 9, 2003

Edward Teller was one of the famous "Martians," or eminent Hungarian scientists who had migrated to the U.S. A prominent chemical engineer and nuclear physicist, he was part of the team that created the world's first atomic bomb and also designed the first hydrogen bomb, or thermonuclear bomb.

 42Rodney Mullen

Rodney Mullen

Famous As: Skateboarder

Birthdate: August 17, 1966

Sun Sign: Leo

Birthplace: Gainesville, Florida, USA

 43Tom Scholz

Tom Scholz

Famous As: Musician

Birthdate: March 10, 1947

Sun Sign: Pisces

Birthplace: Toledo, Ohio, United States

 44Reginald Aubrey Fessenden

Reginald Aubrey Fessenden

Famous As: Inventor

Birthdate: October 6, 1866

Sun Sign: Libra

Birthplace: East Bolton, Canada

Died: July 22, 1932

 45Lonnie Johnson

Lonnie Johnson

Famous As: Inventor

Birthdate: October 6, 1949

Sun Sign: Libra

Birthplace: Mobile, Alabama, United States

Former NASA engineer Lonnie Johnson is best known for inventing the Super Soaker water gun, which became one of the most popular toys in the world, garnering sales amounting to more than a billion dollars since its invention. He has also been part of the US Air Force.

 46Paul Winchell

Paul Winchell

Famous As: Actor, Inventor, Voice actor, Television actor

Birthdate: December 21, 1922

Sun Sign: Sagittarius

Birthplace: New York City

Died: June 24, 2005

 47John Bardeen

John Bardeen

Famous As: Nobel Laureate in Physics

Birthdate: May 23, 1908

Sun Sign: Gemini

Birthplace: Madison, Wisconsin, United States

Died: January 30, 1991

American engineer, physicist and Nobel laureate John Bardeen is the only person who received the Nobel Prize in Physics twice. He shared the first Nobel with William Shockley and Walter Brattain in 1956 for inventing the transistor, and the second with Leon N Cooper and John Robert Schrieffer in 1972 for proposing the BCS theory, a microscopic theory of superconductivity.

 48William Henry Perkin

William Henry Perkin

Famous As: Chemist

Birthdate: March 12, 1838

Sun Sign: Pisces

Birthplace: London, England

Died: July 14, 1907

William Henry Perkin is best remembered for his chance discovery of the dye mauveine, made of aniline purple. He had apparently discovered the dye while attempting to synthesize quinine. The Royal Medal-winning British chemist also studied salicyl alcohol and flavoring agents and synthesized the first artificial perfume.

 49Royal Rife

Royal Rife

Famous As: Inventor

Birthdate: May 16, 1888

Sun Sign: Taurus

Birthplace: Elkhorn, Omaha, Nebraska, United States

Died: August 5, 1971

Royal Rife is best remembered for inventing an oscillating beam ray, which he claimed could cure diseases with its vibrations but which failed to cure people eventually. The optics engineer also absurdly claimed to have achieved magnifications of over 10 times more powerful than the best microscopes of modern times.

 50Henry J. Heinz

Henry J. Heinz

Famous As: Businessperson

Birthdate: October 11, 1844

Sun Sign: Libra

Birthplace: South Side (Pittsburgh) Birmingham, Pennsylvania, United States

Died: May 14, 1919

Inventions of Early 20th Century


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